
SkeyDrone is a proud partner in these innovative projects


Belgium – Netherlands U-space Reference Design Implementation

The overall objective of the BURDI project is to implement a fully reliable, sustainable and safe solution for UAS integration in a U-space airspaces implementation.


DIOL will support the realization of the Esbjerg Declaration: Transforming the North Sea into a Green Power Plant of Europe. The objectives are met through actions among partners from Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and France.


The vision of SAFIR-Med project is to demonstrate ways to achieve safe, sustainable, socially accepted and socially beneficial urban air mobility which will contribute to the EU healthcare system.


A two-year very large-scale demonstration (VLD) project that demonstrated how U-space services and solutions could support integrated Urban Air Mobility (UAM) flight operations.

Citymesh SENSE

Equipping 35 designated Belgian priority zones with two strategically positioned Drones-in-a-Box for police and firefighting squads to assess evolving situations and prepare the best responses after receiving emergency calls.


A drone network of 6 Drones-in-a-Box spread across the port of Antwerp is executing up to 18 BVLOS drone flights per day to help coordinate smooth, safe and sustainable operations in this complex environment.   

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